Messages from 2012

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December 30, 2012

Preparing for His Next Advent

Series: Advent: The Coming of a Savior Topic: Sermon Verse: 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11

December 16, 2012

A Night That Changed the World!

Series: Advent: The Coming of a Savior Topic: Sermon Verse: Luke 2:8–2:20

December 9, 2012

Bethlehem: Little, but Significant

Speaker: Leon Tucker Series: Advent: The Coming of a Savior Topic: Sermon Verse: Micah 5:2–5:2

December 2, 2012

God's Prophetic Fulfillment: Faithfulness Confirmed

Speaker: Leon Tucker Series: Advent: The Coming of a Savior Topic: Sermon Verse: Matthew 1:20–1:23

November 18, 2012

The Time of Jacob's Trouble

Series: Understanding the Times... Knowing What To Do Topic: Sermon Verse: Ezekiel 37:1–38:23

November 4, 2012

Politics: Is God Concerned?

Speaker: Leon Tucker Series: Understanding the Times... Knowing What To Do Topic: Sermon Verse: Romans 13:1–13:7

July 1, 2012

The Prayer App: Dependence is Primary

Series: Apps for Life: A Study of James Topic: Sermon Verse: James 5:13–5:18

June 17, 2012

The Challenge of Fathering

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: 1 Thessalonians 2:8–2:12

June 10, 2012

Finish the Race Well

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: 1 Samuel 31:1–31:13

June 3, 2012

The Importance of Family of Faith Leadership

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: 1 Timothy 3:1–3:13

May 20, 2012

The Wealth Warning App: Be Careful

Series: Apps for Life: A Study of James Topic: Sermon Verse: James 5:1–5:6

May 13, 2012

Motherhood: A Holy Ambition

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: 1 Samuel 1:1–1:28

April 29, 2012

Chile Missions Trip Report: Dangerous Prayers

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Other Presentations Verse: Matthew 6:5–6:13

April 8, 2012

EASTER: The Call of God to Follow

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: Matthew 28:1–28:20

April 1, 2012

The Wisdom App: The Wisdom Test

Series: Apps for Life: A Study of James Topic: Sermon Verse: James 3:13–3:18

March 25, 2012

The Speech App: Speaking with Care

Series: Apps for Life: A Study of James Topic: Sermon Verse: James 3:1–3:12

March 18, 2012

The Faith App: Validated by Serving

Series: Apps for Life: A Study of James Topic: Sermon Verse: James 2:14–2:26

March 4, 2012

The Obedience App: Listen and Follow

Series: Apps for Life: A Study of James Topic: Sermon Verse: James 1:19–1:27

February 26, 2012

The Temptation App: Dealing with Desire

Series: Apps for Life: A Study of James Topic: Sermon Verse: James 1:13–1:18

February 19, 2012

So the World May Know...

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: Acts 1:6–1:11

February 12, 2012

Religion: The Enemy of God

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: Acts 17:1–18:22

January 22, 2012

James - A Little Introduction and Challenge

Series: Apps for Life: A Study of James Topic: Sermon Verse: James 1:22–1:25

January 15, 2012

This One Thing I Do!

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: Philippians 3:4–3:14

January 8, 2012

Celebration and Vision - Reflecting Back, Looking Forward

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: Psalm 147:1–147:11

January 1, 2012

A Year Dedicated in Tribute: 2012 AD

Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Sermon Verse: Psalm 34:1–34:22