We are excited to worship together with Christ Baptist Church on Sundays (400 Newton Road, Raleigh, NC 27615). Life Groups meet at 9:00am and Worship is at 10:30am. 

Below you will find messages from our worship services, lectures from women's bible study and other presentations. The most current messages are listed first, but you may search and sort by using the buttons on the left side of the page. Capital Community Church media is also available on iTunes.

Let's Take A Joy Ride: Exploring the Goodness of Life

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Let's Take A Joy Ride: Exploring the Goodness of Life

September 5, 2010

The Joy of Christian Rebellion

Series: Let's Take A Joy Ride: Exploring the Goodness of Life Topic: Sermon Verse: Philippians 4:8–4:23

August 15, 2010

Run to Win

Series: Let's Take A Joy Ride: Exploring the Goodness of Life Topic: Sermon Verse: Philippians 3:12–3:21

August 8, 2010

The Joy of Maturity in Christ

Series: Let's Take A Joy Ride: Exploring the Goodness of Life Topic: Sermon Verse: Philippians 3:1–3:6

June 27, 2010

The Path of Joy

Series: Let's Take A Joy Ride: Exploring the Goodness of Life Topic: Sermon Verse: Philippians 1:22–1:30

June 20, 2010

Purposeful Living

Series: Let's Take A Joy Ride: Exploring the Goodness of Life Topic: Sermon Verse: Philippians 1:12–1:21

June 6, 2010

Some Introductions

Series: Let's Take A Joy Ride: Exploring the Goodness of Life Topic: Sermon Verse: Philippians 1:1–1:11