So Goes the Family, So Goes Everything Relational
October 21, 2012 Speaker: Leon Tucker Series: Understanding the Times... Knowing What To Do
Topic: Sermon Verse: Deuteronomy 6:1–6:9
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Deut 6:1-9; Eph 5:22-6:4
It is God’s design that individuals would learn to live relationally and responsibly within the family environment. When the family breaks down and does not fulfill its purpose, individuals and culture break down. In a world that is experiencing the deterioration of family life, and it’s consequences, our only hope for healing is that we would engage God in reclaiming our biblical roles and responsibilities.
More in Understanding the Times... Knowing What To Do
November 25, 2012
The Joy of Engagement: The Blessings of GodNovember 18, 2012
The Time of Jacob's TroubleNovember 11, 2012
Principles and Practices - Authentic Union Under the Lordship of Christ