We are excited to worship together with Christ Baptist Church on Sundays (400 Newton Road, Raleigh, NC 27615). Life Groups meet at 9:00am and Worship is at 10:30am. 

The Time of Jacob's Trouble

November 18, 2012 Series: Understanding the Times... Knowing What To Do

Topic: Sermon Verse: Ezekiel 37:1–38:23

Ezekiel 37-38; Zechariah 12-13; Genesis 12:1-3

Israel is the epicenter of God’s biblical narrative, His purposeful plan of redemption in the world, and the return of Christ. He gives us instruction regarding His plan for Israel so that we might support her, pray for her, and be personally prepared for the Jesus’ return.

More in Understanding the Times... Knowing What To Do

November 25, 2012

The Joy of Engagement: The Blessings of God

November 11, 2012

Principles and Practices - Authentic Union Under the Lordship of Christ

November 4, 2012

Politics: Is God Concerned?