As part of fulfilling our stated mission of glorifying God by making disciples of Jesus Christ through the Scriptures, Prayer, Community, and Gospel mission, we have created a book store to resource you.
On it, you'll find biblical and practical books for purchase that we hope will aid you in your personal and corporate discipleship. Specifically, these books are not the types of books you would regularly see in Christian bookstores. Many of them are practical resources and theological words that might fly under the radar but are useful for you! We are not profitting from the sell of these books as they are sold at cost and many are actually cheaper than cost through publisher partnerships. You can access the bookstore website here or you can visit our bookstore in person at our church office during business hours at 1417 Clifton St Raleigh, NC 27604 M-F 9:00-5:00 or on Sunday after our corporate worship gathering.
Reach out to Kenny Jones for more information.