Who We Are

Capital Community Church is a people awakened to a holy God.


Capital Community Church’s mission is to make disciples who are awakened to a holy God.


 The Twelve Pillars of Capital Community Church



Our desire and central focus is to see God honored and glorified in our church, in our families, and in the life of each believer. We want to live "Coram Deo" -before the face of God.

Plurality of Elders 

God's design for the church's governance is that each local church should be led and shepherded by a plurality of godly men who serve in the office of elder.

Sound Doctrine

Sound doctrine serves as the center of gravity of Christ's true church. It begins with the gospel, but it also includes teaching the "full counsel of God."

Biblical Worship

We desire to worship God, “in spirit and in truth,” as prescribed in His Word.

Spirit-filled Fellowship

Our Spirit-filled fellowship is the shared spiritual experience of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit and then believing the same gospel. We seek to preserve this unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Expository Preaching

We are committed to the sequential and expository method of teaching the Bible in which we understand the doctrinal truths about God, ourselves, and our redemption in Christ and apply them to our daily lives.

Necessity of Holiness

Christ calls every believer in His Church to live a life of personal holiness out of a heart of gratitude to God for salvation. If Christ’s Church is to be holy, that must be reflected in the lives of its members. 

God-designed Families

Strong, biblical families are the foundation of both the church and culture. So we equip Christian husbands, wives, and children to honor the Lord in establishing strong Christian families.

Intercessory Prayer

We are absolutely dependent on the Spirit of God in intercessory prayer for the advance of all the kingdom work of the church.

Evangelistic and Missional Zeal

Every believer should be zealous and actively involved in the advance of the gospel in our communities and among the nations.

Discipleship Training

Every Christian disciple should know certain doctrines and be equipped to do certain things in ministry. Our desire is to train and “present everyone mature in Christ.”

The Semper Reformanda Principle

This phrase, meaning “always reforming”, is definitional of our church. It means that we must always be seeking to be more conformed to the Word of God as a church. We must always be pressing forward in the advance of the Kingdom of God and not rest on our past ministry successes.