We are thankful for the sacrificial giving of our members and friends who support the mission of Capital Community Church. Part of being a member at Capital is giving financially to fund the mission of the Church.
If you are not a member, we don’t
expect you to give.
Five Ways To Give
We're sensitive to the financial condition of our members and supporters, and we do not want to encourage the accumulation of debt or interest charges on tithes and offerings. As a result, we are happy to offer a secure online debit card or bank account draft. You may make a one-time donation, set up a regularly scheduled draft via debit card or bank draft, or even view your giving history. Click here to give online.
Text To Give
Text 84321 with a dollar amount you would like to give. A text message will be sent to you with a secure giving link. Please follow the prompts to give to Capital.
Give at Church or Mail
We have offering baskets in the lobby of the worship center where you can deposit a tithe or gift. Also, you can mail in your tithe or offering to the church:
Capital Community Church
P.O. Box 6610
Raleigh, NC 27628
Recurring Check
Another option to automate your giving is to mail a check regularly. You can do this manually or by using your bank's Automatic Bill Pay Service. Checks can be mailed to P.O. Box 6610, Raleigh, NC 27628
If you would like to donate stock or other securities, please contact or have your broker contact Kenny Jones (kenny@capitalcommunitychurch.com or 919-247-9667)