Job Opportunities

Capital Job Openings

We are hiring for three positions at Capital. Applicants for employment must be, if employed, biblically qualified as a deacon or, if a woman, comparable to a deacon, and preferably a member at Capital. If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact Pastor Kenny Jones ( PT: Part-Time; FT: Full-Time

  • Pastoral Administrative Assistant, FT

  • Administrative Assistant, PT

  • Director of Operations, FT


Pastoral Administrative Assistant 

The Pastoral Administrative Assistant is responsible for providing general administrative and clerical support to the church’s Pastors and fulfilling their ministry initiatives. Serving as their liaison and coordinator with the church community, including staff, church members, and other constituents. The Assistant will support the development and execution of their tasked functions and aid in the administration of their offices, including maintaining accurate records and communications. The position is full-time and works Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

You can find the entire job description here.

To apply or submit your resume, email us.


Director of Operations

The Director of Operations will provide oversight of the business and operational side of Capital Church. These areas include the ongoing leadership and management of Capital’s, facilities, housekeeping, ministry team operations, and certain business oversight of the church. The position is full-time and works Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

You can find the entire job description here.

 To apply or submit your resume, email us.