We are excited to worship together with Christ Baptist Church on Sundays (400 Newton Road, Raleigh, NC 27615). Life Groups meet at 9:00am and Worship is at 10:30am. 

Capital College and Young Adults is a ministry for both college students and young professionals

We believe that this specific age group is as unique in its makeup as it is in its ability and opportunity to impact both the church and the world with the Gospel. 

Distinctives of our Church

We are a Word-centered church: In everything we do, we desire our ministry to be shaped by the Word of God. Moreover, we emphasize the teaching of sound doctrine. The local church is the primary way that disciples of Jesus are made and multiplied and the gospel of Jesus is proclaimed. Whether you are in Raleigh for one year or the rest of your life, we desire our students to be actively involved in the life of the church—this goes beyond Sunday morning and involves committing to love and serve the church in active membership.

We are community driven: Our small, multigenerational church is marked by a community that knows one another intimately and cares for each other’s spiritual growth. 

We are proximate to downtown Raleigh: Our church is located inside the belt-line just minutes from William Peace University, St. Augustine University, N.C. State University, Shaw University, and Meredith College.

 Weekly Rhythms

Sunday Morning Life Group: Before the worship gathering we have an interactive small group study. This class is a time for fellowship with one another and growth in godliness. 

College And Young Adult Bible Study: We meet on Monday nights, starting September 9th, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm. We share a meal and a time of fellowship, followed by singing, Teaching, and discussion and prayer. This year we will be studying through First Corinthians. While registration is not required, registration is encouraged.  Click this link to register: https://capitalcommchurch.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2340981

Fun Events: This ministry also host many fun events such as game nights, dinners, lunches, hiking, bowling..etc. Such events are announced via this website as they are planned.  Contact Jaquane Parker For other info, jaquane@capitalcommunitychurch.com