We are excited to worship together with Christ Baptist Church on Sundays (400 Newton Road, Raleigh, NC 27615). Life Groups meet at 9:00am and Worship is at 10:30am. 

The Joy of Engagement: The Blessings of God

November 25, 2012 Speaker: Leon Tucker Series: Understanding the Times... Knowing What To Do

Topic: Sermon Verse: John 15:5–15:17

John 15:5-17

As God gives us understanding of life, as we view it through His eyes, and then gives us the wisdom to know what to do in the midst of it, so as to live with distinction and reflect how good and great He is, He promises to give us His joy and bless us in so many ways, if we would but engage Him, on His terms. The choice is always ours.

More in Understanding the Times... Knowing What To Do

November 18, 2012

The Time of Jacob's Trouble

November 11, 2012

Principles and Practices - Authentic Union Under the Lordship of Christ

November 4, 2012

Politics: Is God Concerned?